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About us

Biolethics, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Laren,

The Netherlands, is a company dedicated to the research, development, production and sales of 100% biological,

natural preservatives for the food industry in general.


The owners successfully developed a novel concept for wine preservatives – Estaan 100. Biolethics’ aim is to become

a leading company in the development of 100% biological

food preservatives.


The Estaan product will first be applied in the wine industry.

In a later stage, more applications can be expected.

Examples are sliced vegetables, silver skin onions, mustard

and dried fruits.

About us



Estaan can be described as the Food preservative of the future.
It is definitely the biggest breakthrough in the food preservative history.
The plant formulation is based on a sequential multiphase separation technique, followed by purification steps.

Of course the active components and nutrients stay intact.
The components are mixed together in specific percentages.
The natural ingredients come from 6 different plants spread over 3 different continents. Of course all is natural with no chemical components.

The preservative is extensively scientifically tested by several

independent Universities.

The result is a very effective 100% biological preservative that is proven to sustain the features for a period beyond the shelflife of the product to preserve. Simultanuously the natural and organoleptic features in

the finished product stay intact.

"If food is the body of good living, wine is its soul." 

- Clifton Fadiman -


Multiple applications are possible

- Wine -

- Silver onions -

- Mustard -

- Cosmetics -

- Sliced vegetables -

- Dried fruit -

- Meat substitutes -

- Potato chips -

- Bordeaux mixture -


Contact us

Biolethics B.V.

Noorderheide 2

1251 AA Laren

The Netherlands

KvK: 11030687


 TEL: +31(0)6 5233 3898

TEL: +31(0)6 5386 1164

If you have any questions or you would like to receive more information please contact us by phone or  leave us a message:

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